Poetry Jam-Ink From Honey

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The Lizard Lounge with featured poets Ink From Honey

Event is 21+

Doors at 7

Featuring the work of six incarcerated poets, curated by Joanna Don:Ink From Honey Presents Tudo
Djunto/District 10 & A.P.I.C.A.
“Are We not Human?”

This question seeks to invoke our communities to imagine returning citizens as an advocate to end violence. Citizens knocking on your front door, encouraging you to
remember your rights to vote. And also making sure immigrants learn how
to become law abiding citizens.

District 10 is an Organization founded by both Haitian-Americans and
Haitian Immigrants advocating for environmental justice for all
incarcerated citizens.

Tudo Djunto is an Organization founded by incarcerated Cape Verdeans
who decided to end Violence amongst each-other, now they organize to
end violence inclusively to all communities Tudo Djunto(Together).

The Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Alliance(APICA) is a movement and an
Organization created by incarcerated people who strive to empower
Asians, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders to take
control of their narratives and raise their voices in spaces that keep the
marginalized and under-represented.

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