Heavy Necker and Hambone Skinny

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Heavy Necker return to Lizard Lounge with Hambone Skinny!


Heavy Necker are on a journey to become Peabody, MA’s premier rock band. Their tight turning mixture combines influences from jazz, blues, poetry, and soul while honoring the ages of hard-hipped guitar driven music through modern personalities.

The band have been friends for quite a while now. Chris (vox,guitar) tried to start bands before but nothing ever stuck until Mike D (drums) and Keith (bass) picked up and started playing. “We want nothing more than to perform our music at the highest level that we know we’re capable of and have fun taking chances while doing it” Chris has stated as a mission of sorts. Mike D quickly added “and if we don’t then we’ll at least fool the idiots.”

Heavy Necker

Come Getcha Some (Rum Bar Records) SOUND Gritty, lo-fi, punk-fueled blues delivered by a Cambridge, Mass.-based duo, featuring Hambone on guitar/vocals and Steph F’s brutally direct drumming. At times redolent of Robert Johnson cut through with elements of the Ramones and Led Zeppelin, the overall result is raw enough to make the White Stripes sound like Journey.

Hambone Skinny

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