Captain Sunbeam/The Collect Pond

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Get ready to bask in the radiant energy of Captain Sunbeam at The Collect Pond, an epic event that’ll light up your night!

Welcome to the world of Captain Sunbeam, and the release of our newest single, Overlight Anthem. We released our debut album in 2020 and have since played several packed shows in the Boston area. Our music varies between prog-rock and poppier jams and is rooted in Captain Sunbeam lore. Through our songs, you will trek across the entirety of the Seven Jewels, perhaps even venturing into Deep Space to solve the mystery of the disappearance of Captain Sunbeam and his infamous ship – the Lovestar. To find out more, visit

The Collect Pond is a Boston group led by Bellingham, Washington native Danny Moffat. Underwater Features is the second Collect Pond album, but the first Moffat has made with a full-time band (bassist/keyboardist Roger Maranan, drummer Rob Carrington, and guitarist/bassist Ben Bonadies). Moffat is a clear aficionado of underground and lo-fi indie rock of many eras: 2023 album Underwater Features is clearly influenced by 90s indie underdog popsters like Guided by Voices and Sebadoh (putting them in line with modern groups like Connections, Mythical Motors, and Smug Brothers), while also retaining a post-punk edge in places and a haziness evoking a few Flying Nun and Xpressway groups. – Rosy Overdrive, 2023

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