Lizard Lounge Poetry Jam-Toni Rose

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Lizard Lounge Poetry Jam with Featured Poet Toni Rose

Event is 21+


Doors at 7

Who is Toni Rose? Well, that depends on who you ask… Trouble to some, Faithful friend to others, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Victim, Survivor, Lover, Fighter, Champion, Confidant, Artist, and Poet. Toni’s poetry has a strong emphasis on the struggles of life. She paints a picture with words that can be heart wrenching truths. Toni Rose is the founder of The Blue Rose, a movement that empowers others to find their voice, speak up and break the cycle. Toni ‘Blue’ Rose is a spoken word artist who became a masters level clinician. Who believes in Healing Through Art Therapies. Toni pushes through the dark times, sometimes stumbling, sometimes doubting, but never gives up hope and never gives up the fight. Those that are willing to listen will get a glimpse into her soul with gritty, real, heart wrenching and truths.

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