Poetry Jam- Big Brotha Sadi

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The Poetry Jam with featured poet Big Brotha Sadi!

Event is 21+

Doors at 7

Born Sadi Lubangala Diazabakana Jr on April 27, 1975 in Lynn, Massachusetts, Big Brotha Sadi is a Congolese American Hip Hop artist who as an MC, a Rapper, a Lyricist categorizes himself as a Hip Hop Poet which he describes a Spoken Words artist with a Hip Hop Rhymes and Beats format using Rap as language and MCing as a style of Performance. Over the past 25 years, Big Brotha Sadi has studied and practiced Hip Hop Culture and its arts. Through his understanding of Hip Hop as a culture, a movement, and not just a genre of music, he has been able to focus on fulfilling Hip Hop’s true purpose: finding self-identity and culture.
Big Brotha Sadi did not embrace and accept Hip Hop as a culture until the early 1990’s right after spending twelve years of his youth in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo where he acquired a sense of diversity within the culture which explain his fascination with Hip Hop being a subculture Black American culture which takes in inclusion a multitude of different and ethnic groups.


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