Poetry Jam Featured Poet-Carla Schwartz

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Poetry Jam Featured Poet-Carla Schwartz

Carla Schwartz
Filmmaker and photographer Carla Schwartz’s poems have been widely published, including in The Practicing Poet (Diane Lockward, Ed) and in her collections “Signs of Marriage,” “Mother, One More Thing,” and “Intimacy with the Wind.” Her CB99videos youtube channel has 2,400,000+ views. Learn more at carlapoet.com, or wakewiththesun.blogspot.com or find her on Twitter (https://twitter.com/cb99videos), Threads (https://threads.net/cb99videos), BlueSky (https://bsky.app/profile/cb99videos.bsky.social), YouTube (https://youtube.com/cb99videos), or Instagram (https://instagram.com/cb99videos). Recent publications and acceptances include Banyan Review, The Ear, Channel, California Quarterly, Cutthroat, Gone Lawn, The Poet’s Touchstone, Ibbetson Street, Inquisitive Eater, Paterson Literary Review, New-Verse News, Remington Review, Triggerfish Critical Review, The MacGuffin, Verse-Virtual Online, and Leon. Carla Schwartz is a 2023 recipient of a Massachusetts Cultural Council Grant. Her poem, “Pat Schroeder Was Our Mother,” won the 2023 New England Poetry Club E.E. Cummings Prize.

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