Poetry Jam Featured Poet Elissa Whelan

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Poetry Jam Featured Poet Elissa Whelan

Elissa J. H. Whelan is a creative writer and linguist. Her debut novel, ‘The Hold of the Horizon,’ is a woman versus herself coming-of-age tale set in Cambridge. Her writing style has been described as warm and painfully relatable. Inspiration for the work came from exploring the world and the people in it. The motivation to finish the novel came from resurfacing creatively after being consumed by the fog of motherhood.

“Heartfelt, raw and honest. This book will leave you feeling the world is a more beautiful place than it was before.” -Lisa Parsons

Elissa has a BA in English from the University of New Hampshire and a Master’s degree in Endangered Language Linguistics from SOAS, University of London. She was a host on “Parklands,” a show on Cambridge Community Television (CCTV) highlighting the work of the Charles River Conservancy.

The novel was published independently by Gilmore Press. More about her novel can be found on https://elissajhwhelan.wordpress.com/ .

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