Poetry Jam Featured Poet Marc Goldfinger

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Poetry Jam Featured Poet Marc Goldfinger

Marc Goldfinger has been published by the Ibbetson Street Press, the Aurorean,, Pegasus, The Boston Poet, the Crooked River Press, Earth First! Journal, The New Renaissance, User’s News, Poiesis, The Porter Gulch Review, Rubber-Side-Down and many others. Goldfinger is also a member of  the Liberation Poetry Collective and is included in the Liberation Anthology put out by the Trilingual Press.  He is currently the poetry editor and a regular columnist for the Spare Change News, a paper put out for the benefit of homeless people.  He is a member of The Road Scribes of America, a motorcycle club whose members have been published throughout the world. He also has his own website at http://marcdgoldfinger.outlawpoetry.com where he also has books and a down-load of Getting Fixed In South Carolina, a true story of an event in his life, arranged and performed by The Jeff Robinson Trio, for sale.  Goldfinger is formerly homeless and has been a Vendor for Spare Change News since 1993.

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