Rich Hinman vs Adam Levy

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Rich Hinman vs Adam Levy return to the Lizard Lounge Feb 27th!

Event is 21+

$20/$25 at the door

Rich Hinman vs Adam Levy is an instrumental quartet featuring Rich Hinman on pedal steel and lap steel and Adam Levy on guitar. They have played together on and off for almost 30 years and share a common improvisatory language as well as a wide repertoire of jazz, blues, country and soul tunes, standard to obscure to original. The vibe is both funky and atmospheric, festive and sombre. The (truly great) New York-based rhythm section is Chris Morrissey on bass and Dan Rieser on drums. Collectively, these four musicians have worked with kd lang, Norah Jones, Mark Guiliana, Tracy Chapman, Rosanne Cash, Sara Bareilles and many others.

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