Tami-Fest IV

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Suggested Donation $20/door

Doors 6/Music 7


A benefit for legendary bartender Tami Lee. If you frequented Lizard Lounge, Cambridge Common, TOAD, Christopher’s or West Side Lounge there’s a good chance you know her. Aside from being a beloved coworker and friend, she is a beloved member of the Camberville music scene. On January 21st we will be hosting a Tami-fest, a musical celebration and fundraiser for the benefit of Tami Lee featuring Dub Apocalypse, Abbie Barrett, The Truevines, Abbie Barrett, Jesse Dee and Lyle Brewer. Cash and Gofundme donations will be accepted at the door, we’ll have raffles and we’ll  be donating all bar and food sales from this event towards her medical and life expenses. We’ll be hosting multiple raffles from local restaurants and bars to help Tami as well. If you can’t attend, we encourage you to donate to the Gofundme page.

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