The Blue Ribbons/Andrea Gillis

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The Blue Ribbons return to the Lizard Lounge November 23rd with Andrea Gillis

Event is 21+

“The Blue Ribbons’ latest album, 2024’s “Forever, But Not For Long,” has plenty of pop hooks. Or rather, it had plenty of them before the band took sledgehammers and scalpels to most of the pretty bits.

“It took a while to get the bones of some of the tunes down just so we could break them,” bandleader James Rohr told Herald with a laugh.

Local champs the Blue Ribbons are a pop band in the same way that the Beatles or Steely Dan or Television are pop bands in that they like pop but “aren’t too precious about the songs,” Rohr said.

Jed Gottleib – Boston Herald

Hailing from South Boston, Andrea Gillis is the real deal – a Northeast legend of rock & soul…” “She has been blessed with the pipes of Etta James and with the boozy swagger of Jim Morrison.” – The Boston Globe

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