The Duppy Conquerors

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The Duppy Conquerors bring their celebration of the music of Bob Marley to the Lizard Lounge


$12/$15 DOOR

The quintessential Bob Marley tribute band – the Duppy Conquerors – is a rich collection of high-caliber musicians playing in tribute to the music of Bob Marley. Nominated for a Boston Music Award, this 10-piece ensemble of veteran musicians embodies a soulful authenticity that honors the artist and his timeless collection. With nearly 80% of Marley’s repertoire under their belts, the Duppy Conquerors are equipped to provide hours of entertainment and positive vibrations.


Errol Strength

Jonas Kahn

Tariq Nicholsan

Jake Pardee

Mark Ferranti

Kit Holliday

Sarah Mendelsohn

Jeff Robinson

Dave Szebeda

Clayton De Walt

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